Hasta el 1 de julio próximo, JOTMI Research Group y Universidad de las Americas invita a presentar papers en la edición especial del Journal of Technology Management and Innovation (JOTMI), en la temática Entrepreneurship Education. De acuerdo al propio llamado se tiene que:
"We are interested in publishing papers that examine, conceptually and empirically, the process and outcomes of entrepreneurial in education contexts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
"We are interested in publishing papers that examine, conceptually and empirically, the process and outcomes of entrepreneurial in education contexts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Entrepreneurship education (practices & methods).
- Grassroot innovation.
- Entrepreneurial university .
- Best practices in the region, esp. Latin America (start-up companies).
- The application of learning theories to entrepreneurship.
- Governmental and regional policies on entrepreneurship, innovation and R&D in universities.
- The learning advantages of newness in entrepreneurial start-up and development.
- Entrepreneurship as a process of identifying opportunities and putting useful ideas into practice.
- Economic, social and cultural factors affecting the participation of young in entrepreneurial ventures.
- Multi-Disciplinary entrepreneurship education (best practices).
- Entrepreneurship education and training in the higher education sector.
Así que si tienen algo desarrollado en esta área, es la oportunidad de compartirlo con la comunidad interesada en la gestión de la innovación y la tecnología.
+ info en sobre el llamado aquí